That's Why You're Here


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Welcome . . .

I'm not sure why you're here.
Sometimes I'm not even sure why I am.
But I do know that everyone's on their own route to finding that out somehow, each in our own ways...

So this space, is something like that.
Its a place that I hope, would help in the search.

Now I won't pretend to have all the answers, and most of the time I really don't-Most of the time its just questions; but I've found through the years I've lived on this earth that- the questions help.

In fact, I'm not even sure where this blog will head to, but I do know the intent, and if you like that, I hope you keep coming back.

Sometimes I might post news-pieces and stories I've heard, sometimes its quotes and of all the things that inspire me, like art and music and photographs...and still sometimes the things won't even relate and make sense at all. But it reflects life doesn't it? because life doesn't really make sense at all.

So in a way, you can treat this blog and everything after this like the little puzzle pieces you pick up along the way. Maybe you'll find the missing pieces you're looking for, or even those you didn't think you were looking for, but liked, and found that it somehow fitted into that big picture you were making anyway. In any case, I hope you'll find comfort in reading, in all the questions, and that you'll ultimately find "it".

Your author, 
Tee Jowee